Sunday, February 22, 2015

Descriptive Essay

     Throughout the course of my break I strived to be as productive and imaginative as I could.  Although the time was not so myriad, I had to make due with the time that i had in my hands. Being organized, I prioritized what I intended to do during the break and the accomplishments I wanted to achieve. Mainly of the things I was categorizing to myself were: Academics and homework, the gym and body fitness, and of course relaxing and engaging in social activities with my friends and family. It was actually quite fun just staying at home in Los Angeles and not traveling somewhere during my break as I am very accustomed too. It was quite the change as this is one of my first winter breaks where i merely stayed at home and attended only local activities. Having been so, I did not want to sit around and let my break fly past me, but rather I intended to be fun, productive, and languid all at the same time.

    Throughout my break I tried to engage in fun activities with my friends and family and thus while doing so, encountered new culture, foods, and perspectives. I ate at many restaurants here and there. I mean the usuals which include my favorites, chipotle, Korean Bbq, and Dominos for example. However one of the more exquisite experiences that I had during my break was enjoying the delightful foods of a restaurant by my house called Yellow House Cafe, which is a korean cafe. I went one evening accompanied by two of my cousins. We all enjoyed great dumplings, kimbap, and rice with bulgogi( Korean for marinated beef), It was a great evening as we all relaxed and conversated about the many affairs taking place, the food we were enjoying, and school. Being older, they both lectured me on how to do good in school and my academics. I listened attentively while enjoying the great food and taking in the fresh aroma. The place was so relaxing and had a great environment and I highly recommend anyone who is in search of a great place to dine.

     I also enjoyed two fascinating movies over the course of my break which were The Gambler and The Interview. The Interview was a very controversial movie as its content ignited much talk about its sketchy scenes towards the country of North Korea, It was intended to be a humorous movie and it succeeded in doing so in a mediocre way, however I fully comprehend why others many have took it to be less humorous and more offensive. The Gambler was a movie about a man who got too deep into the gambling business and almost cost him as a life as a result. It portrayed gambling as a very dangerous and risky thing to do. Although not as a humorous as the first movie, I’d have to say this one was better acted and had more plot to it and I would definitely recommend it to watch as well.

     During the time which I was not busy engaging in other activities, I tried to be as productive as I could. I studied for my SAT’s a lot during the break. In doing so I developed new strategies, acquired new knowledge on the test, and learned new interesting words that I will probably never use outside my academic life. When I was not studying i tried my best to go to the gym as often as I could. Yes, a lot of the time I got lazy and did not go, but I did make a couple of effective trips. I noticed myself getting a little stronger over the course of the three weeks and look forward to the future progress I am able to develop as well. I also began watching a new show called Arrow which is very entertaining and suspenseful. My favorite part about it is how it is full of surprises that you never could have thought of to happen.

     Overall my break accumulated to be both very fun and productive. Although I loved the break, it also made me excited to return back to school to see my wonderful friends and amazing teachers, especially my great AP English Language teacher whose class is absolutely the best, I found my break to be full of great surprises and very satisfying. The only thing that could have made it better was more rain which is quite possibly my favorite aspect of winter. Although it did not rain too much, I am thankful for my break and blessed to spend it with my great friends and loving family. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your winter break experience! It was a great read.

    You have good control of language throughout your essay. It's well organized and your sentence structure is concise and doesnt run off into useless details. The topics themselves are coherently presented and go along well together. Overall an effective piece but even more a comforting read.

  2. Great essay Primel ! You display a wide knowledge of diction, sentence structures, and styles. Your use of specific details enhanced my understanding of your essay and made it very entertaining.

  3. Wow your essay contains great amounts of specific examples that help illustrate your various activities.I was riveted by the story and the overall flow of the essay, which were enhanced by your use of distinct details. Your use of varied diction make the essay more sophisticated and interesting. This essay overall was greatly detailed and connecting as well as very fun and interesting to read about. Good job and luck!
