Wednesday, November 5, 2014

EIP Essay

(Question 1)

    Margaret Mead conveys the idea that we do not wish upon one’s success in a field similar to ours because it is a threat to their own personal success as an individual. Being seen as a threat, Mead portrays the path to success as a competition with one another. He explains the thought that not everyone can succeed in a particular field as it may be only held for a certain amount of people. Therefore if a person were to succeed in a field which relates to ours, it can pose a threat to the other whose hopes lies in the same field. Although in general we Americans celebrate achievement and success, somewhere deep down many of us can feel envious and uncomfortable feelings as well.

     However when it comes to a different field, we do not feel the same way because the circumstances are different. “But while we often rejoice in the success of people far removed from ourselves-people who work in another profession, live in another community, or are endowed in a talent that we do not especially want for ourselves…” Margaret Mead identifies different situations in which we do not feel the same emotions towards others success or perhaps even feel a rather joyful feeling instead. This is because it does not affect your chances as an individual as all. If your friend was a football player and you were a basketball player, this would identify as a perfect situation to which Mead’s theory can be evaluated. If only 100 people can make it pro every year. Than him making it pro would not affect your chances of making it pro in basketball since it is two different leagues making his success irrelevant to yours. You may feel joy for your friend who is making it pro.

    When it is a person who is working for the same field however, it is a completely different scenario. Their success could quite possibly jeopardize the possibility of your success now. This does not apply all the time but there are many things that has only a certain amount of available space. Now lets say your other friend was a basketball player just like you and there are still only a 100 spots to make it pro. Now if he makes it pro there is only 99 more spots for you, making your chances worse now due to the fact that your friend made it. This, in one perspective, makes the person view his friend as a threat which he definitely is. Threatening your potential spot it is only normal that you feel a bit uneasy or even jealous of his success.

     The reasons as to why we feel this way about the success of others lies within the depths of the human minds. It is a psychological concept in where we are not able to control or alter. However our minds and perspectives all differ from one another. While some of us may feel envy, others may feel joy. So yes, success is a confusion to us Americans and potentially too many others globally as well. 

    The concept of success can be very confusing to a lot of people, but we should all celebrate and admire those who succeed. However it is true that we can’t control our emotions and therefore, yes we might see others as a threat and in the process develop ill feelings for them. Margaret Mead is correct in her argument and creates an in depth analysis of the behavior of the psychological mind, although it may not pertain to everyone, it is a general idea that may wander in the minds of many. 

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