Tuesday, November 4, 2014

(Question 3)
    Dear School Board,
 A class where creativity is taught in school would be very essential to the growth of our nation in a positive sense. If every child’s day consists of a quotidian class in which they are taught to think more effectively, it is sure to have a positive outcome. A class dedicated to a core foundation in which the objective is to teach thinking is now a days circumscribed and not given enough priority. Statistics from a test of creativity that was administered to millions of people worldwide showed that the public’s creativity quotient has slowly begun to decline since 1990. Less creative minds show no further help in resolving the problems of tomorrow. However, changing the course of the future is a problem that can be resolved starting today and one solution to the problem can be the creation of a class where creative thinking is taught in school.  

      Creativity is a concept which might differ in the perspective of various different human minds. This itself is a form of creativity. Creativity is a stream of consciousness that takes place in your mind when you allow your thoughts to take over and explore the depths and capacity of what your mind is able to conjure. It allows people to think outside the usual thinking box and in the process develop new innovations in which can brighten up the future. In creating a class of critical thinking, the students will have a place in which they will be able to broaden their minds. This kind of thinking will pave the way for incessant possibilities in which will affect the world in a positive sense. Due to the creative minds which roamed this planet before ourselves, we have many of the great things which exist in the world today. If they didn't think outside the box, nothing new would come as a result. Many inventions were developed and several problems solved. If we hope to aspire new inventions and solve our problems, we must entrust this power to the people of our future, or in other words, the youth.

       The best place to teach these kids of the future would be at school. If taught in a classroom it would help the students in several other ways. It will indeed help broaden the person’s mind, but also help him or her in other perspectives as well. A creative person will tend to be more intelligent and therefore will help them with their other subjects as well. An open minded person is simply bound to a higher probability of success in the future. Is there any way to guarantee that a class of such will have such an effect? No, but if it were to be given a chance there is so many possibilities that an even better question would be why not? In the passage it states “A recent IBM poll of 1, 500 CEO’s identified that creativity as the NO.1 ‘leadership competency.” Coming from the world’s CEOs, this leads us to the fact that creativity is of utmost priority and is not a matter in which to be pliable with.

     To fully access a person’s capacity is immensely important. A class where creativity is taught would help acquire this state of being. There are many problems in the world which need our attention. “Saving the Gulf of Mexico, bringing peace in Afghanistan, and delivering health care” are some problems we are facing that the text provides. We are taught Math, English, and Science and although these subjects do play their role, there are some problems in which require another kind of thinking. Creative thinking to be specific.  By having such a class we can help brighten our vision of the future. If the kids of tomorrow are better thinkers with creative ideas, the problems of tomorrow are more likely to be solved as well.

    Creativity being taught in a class would be of great help to everyone. It is something that should be taught in classrooms worldwide for the better well being of the world. It would make the future a lot brighter with something as little as a class taught in schools. It might prove to be of insignificance, but it also might prove to be the key to all the problems that we face worldwide every day. By creating this class a person might be able to come up with a cure for cancer or aids with his new found thinking ability. The possibilities are truly endless and that is why a class where a person’s creativity and thinking is encouraged is a great idea.


1 comment:

  1. The opening sentence clearly tells the reader what the essay is about and what position the writer is taking. The body paragraphs keeps the reader interested by explaining why creativity is important. Good use of the sources to support your reasoning.
